Small Adventures
I'm in love with holidays and andventures. Sometimes I understand that it's a lot to organize and a lot of money to save but it doesn't have to be an exuse all the time.
Basically you don't need much to make a memorable adventure...




Night skate in Sydney, 1 night
1 pair of Rollerblades / Inline Skates
Knee Protections
Wrist Guards
Every wednesday night, in the center of Sydney, a bunch of friends gets together to enjoy a night of city skating. Everyone is welcomed! I really enjoyed my time skating with these people and I wish I one day can do the same in my home town!
Like them on Facebook:
Sydney Bladers - Cityskate - rollerblading / inline skating
Every once in a while it rains on wednesday, but don't worry next one might be dry. And one more thing, stay out of problems.
Carpe Deim, 21 days
Sailing boat with beds or tent
Sleeping kit
Food preperation stuff
Clothes suting the weather
This is one of the best trips I have ever done! Three weeks on a sailing boat with some of my best friends. This is the trip I'm longing for during the whole year. The trip with no expectations but having fun! This particular trip went from Gothenburg-Oslo-Halmstad with lots and lots of stop on the way.
You can play one game of chess lasting for three days with out getting bored. Just remeber that its hard to get over a loss.
Ski Touring in Sunset, 1 afternon
Ski touring kit
Your head
One of my first ever ski touring trips was an absolutley succsess. I could not ask for more. The sky was unbelivible together with a view hard to forget. If you ever get the chance, TAKE IT! I want to thank my new friends here in Myrkdalen, Voss for an amazing evening.
For even better pictures, check out:
Kenneth Fossen - Blog -
When the sun goes down, it gets dark and could. Be prepaird and dont ask me for advise. :P


Umeå-Göteborg, 18 days
Sleeping kit, bag + tent
Food preperation stuff
Clothes suting the weather
Ok, this one is more extream. I have been studying in Umeå a city 1000km north from home. Just before summer holidays I decided to bike home. Stupid you might think, but it's even worse for Jenny my friend who had to drive all the way up just to bike all the way down again. :) A really nice trip with lots off up's and down's. Most interesting was to see how the country changed along the way.
It's harder to bike a long distans without no slopes compair to bike a long distans with lots of slopes. Something we disscovered inbetween Gävle and Uppsala.

Göteborg-Strömstad-Göteborg, 21 days
Sleeping kit, bag + tent
Food preperation stuff
Clothes suting the weather
One of my first easy adventures was with my best friend Jenny. We decided to celibrate midsummer somewhere else but didn't have too mcuh money
so we took our bikes and let the future decide for us.
Don't forget to eat! 1000km is longer then you think...

Roller Blading Adventure, 3 days
Roller blades
Sleeping kit
Food preperation stuff
Clothes suting the weather
Normal shose
Cindy and I desiced to do something fun just before summer holidays ends. This Adventure didn't have a lot of praperation, which we had to suffer for at some points. Roller blading between Umeå and Skellefteå that are located in the nothern part of Sweden was harder then we thought.
It took about 3 days and the feeling from sleeping in your own bed after this adventure was woth the whole trip.
Don't forget to check the weather- and the road conditions, how far it is in between the supermarkes and to bring as LITTLE as possibly!

Check the